Ночь. Дайри. Пикспам.
Анталогия, главной темой которой были слова из 4 букв: Love, Hate, Fear, Fate. (Любовь, Ненависть, Страх, Судьба) Разные сценаристы и художники попытались воплотить свое виденье в небольших комиксах на 8 страниц.

«Love. Hate. Fear. Fate. Four words that define our lives in different ways. Four words that lie at the heart of all our experiences. Four words that have long inspired artists to craft their most resonant work. Four-Letter Worlds examines how these four little words define our individual worlds in very big ways. This brand new anthology features sixteen original short stories by twenty-seven renowned creators... B. Clay Moore, Jim Mahfood, Joe Casey, Jeff Parker, Jay Faerber, Robert Kirkman, J. Torres, Eric Stephenson, Mark Ricketts, Phil Hester, Amber Benson, Steve Lieber, C. Scott Morse, Chynna Clugston-Major, Jamie S. Rich, Antony Johnston, Matt Fraction, Steven Griffin, Mike Huddleston, Steve Rolston, Matt Roberts, R. John Bernales, Mike Norton, Jamie McKelvie, Andi Watson, Mike Hawthorne, Kieron Dwyer. »

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«Love. Hate. Fear. Fate. Four words that define our lives in different ways. Four words that lie at the heart of all our experiences. Four words that have long inspired artists to craft their most resonant work. Four-Letter Worlds examines how these four little words define our individual worlds in very big ways. This brand new anthology features sixteen original short stories by twenty-seven renowned creators... B. Clay Moore, Jim Mahfood, Joe Casey, Jeff Parker, Jay Faerber, Robert Kirkman, J. Torres, Eric Stephenson, Mark Ricketts, Phil Hester, Amber Benson, Steve Lieber, C. Scott Morse, Chynna Clugston-Major, Jamie S. Rich, Antony Johnston, Matt Fraction, Steven Griffin, Mike Huddleston, Steve Rolston, Matt Roberts, R. John Bernales, Mike Norton, Jamie McKelvie, Andi Watson, Mike Hawthorne, Kieron Dwyer. »

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