The worst Daredevil run ever written. Waid exchanges the complexity and actions with viable consequences that were hallmarks of the Brubaker and Bendis eras... for lame hard resets at the end of story arcs, unshaded line art and Silver Age retrosploitation. He would flirt with the idea of genuine narrative consequences (e.g. Matt "breaking down" at the end of the Purple arc) but then he'd flip the switch and Daredevil would be right back to snark and Silver Age the next issue. And for all the hype from comic media? There's a reason it's the lowest selling Daredevil run of the modern era as well. Which makes it all the more bizarre that Marvel essentially patterned its entire comic line off of Mark Waid's Daredevil thereafter. (Does bring the company's recent sales woes into focus, however.)
Charles Soule's darker, more Noir take on the character had been a breath of fresh air after the protracted agony of Mark Waid's abominable run.
yyy: I keep saying (usually in reference to Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers) that a good writer, given time, the right plot, and editorial support, can fix anything. This book proves me wrong. There is no one on Earth that can extinguish this dumpster fire of D-listers. Well played Marvel milkshake team, well played.
zzz: I think most of these characters can be salvaged. Cho can be transformed into his own version of the Hulk like how Mim Headroom suggested in one of his videos. Kid Nova can be made into Richards Riders sidekick, same with Miles to Peter. Viv can still work as an interesting dynamic for the Vision's character. Nadia can be mentored under her father Hank Pym if or when he ever gets fixed, giving an interesting Pym family dynamic. Kamala can be given a different codename and be a decent teen hero if given a half competent writer. And Riri can читать дальшеdie.
В Канаде победил легалайз. В связи с этим кто-нибудь из комиксистов художников комиксов просто обязан нарисовать РосомахуВулверина Джеймса Хоулетта с красными зенками самокруткой. P.S. Роскомнадзор, речь о табачной самокрутке, конечно же.
Вы думали, "Кошкобаба" была худшей экранизацией комиксов? Приготовьтесь — подложите асбестовую пластину под зад. Это мог бы быть совершенно обалденный юмористический трейлер, но нет, это всё официально. Баба-негритоска ((ц) Стерп), похожая на престарелую шлюху, в роли Старфайер. Широкорожая крашеная типикал эмо-готёлка в роли Рэйвен. Няшно-кавайный бишонистый мальчик в роли Робина. И хрен вам на воротник, а не Киборга. Он теперь в Лиге с большими пацанами, bitches.
So edgy Shadow the Hedgehog told them to tone it the fuck down. So edgy that 90's anti-heroes are telling them to chill. So edgy that Reaper has to throw Chanclas at them and tell 'em to pay their fucking bills. So edgy that the Punisher is telling them this is a bit much.
xxx: The toughest thing Tim Doyle has done in his life was to make it to the end of "Frozen" without crying. yyy: Damn. I cried… but I also have a soul. zzz: We all know Tim Doyle ran out of the cinema crying in fear when Prince Hans first showed up.
НЕМЕДЛЕННО, прямо сейчас! Что? Архивы? А, те, что вы заказывали ДВА МЕСЯЦА НАЗАД? Подождите ещё немного, с нашим новым быстрым сервером вы получите их ещё быстрее. Надо только немного подождать.