Теперь мы наблюдаем повторение той ужасной картины лета 2004 года: Издательство Marvel Comics пернесло релизы главного кроcсовера этого лета Civil War и связанных с ним тайтлов. Причина - попытка угодить недовольным фанатам и исправить так называемые Ought of character-фишки, которые прослеживаются в данном кросовере (Civil War) и прикрепленных тайтлах...
Пресс релиз: "Over the next few weeks, the Civil War proper title and a few of the tie-in books that are closely related to the story in the main book will be shipping later than originally planned. In an attempt to accommodate the creative team of (Mark) Millar and (Steve) McNiven and keep the artistic integrity and high standards of the event, we will be shifting the following titles
* Civil War #4, including the Turner Variant and Turner Sketch Variant, moves to Sept. 20
* Fantastic Four #540 moves to Sept. 20.
* Civil War Front Line #6 moves to Sept. 27.
* Amazing Spider-Man #535 movies to Sept. 27.
* Civil War Front Line #7 moves to Oct. 11.
* Civil War #5, including the Turner Variant and the Turner Sketch Variant, moves to Nov. 15.
* Civil War Front Line #8 moves to Nov. 22
* Punisher War Journal, including the Black and White version, moves to Nov. 22.
* Fantastic Four #541 moves to Nov. 22.
* Amazing Spider-Man #536 moves to Nov. 22.
* Civil War #6, including the Turner Variant and the Turner Sketch Variant, moves to Dec. 20.
* Civil War Front Line #9 moves to Dec. 20.
* Punisher War Journal #2 moves to Dec. 28.
* Civil War Front Line #10 moves to Jan. 4.
* Amazing Spider-Man #537 moves to Jan. 4.
* Fantastic Four #542 moves to Jan. 4.
* Civil War #7, not solicited yet, will be released on Jan. 17.
* Amazing Spider-Man #538, not solicited yet, will be released on Jan. 17.
* Fantastic Four #543, not solicited yet, will be released on Jan. 24.
New additions to the Civil War tie-in books include:
* Black Panther #23, December.
* Civil War: War Crimes, December.
* Black Panther #24, January.
* Black Panther #25, Feburary.
* Civil War Front Line #11, February.
Starting in November, certain Marvel titles will be branded as Casualties of War. They include:
* Moon Knight #7, November.
* Captain America: Winter Soldier Special, December.
* Iron Man/Captain America Special, December.
* Moon Knight #8, December.
* Blade #5, January.
* Moon Knight #9, January.
p.s. Моё мнение - Marvel - козлы! Обратите внимание на разницу в два месяца между Civil War #4 и #5